Cathy de Farias


I have just on 30 years of experience working for Chartered Accountants. Working with every type of SME structure and a vast array of business industries. I enjoy interpreting numbers and looking for opportunities to save time, money or stress for my clients.

I have started from the bottom and learnt along the way with lots of reading and doing. I have experienced the joys of working in packhouses, retail stores, picking berries, packing feijoas, drenched and herded goats, office administration, payroll, inventory tracking, early childhood work, BOT’s, volunteer work and after all that found that I just love numbers and people.

What has taught me the most is probably having children – not just because you need to know more to raise them. It teaches you about yourself and how you tick, what you are good at and what you are not so flash at.

Outside of work I love to travel and experience different cultures and places, it makes you appreciate home even more and broadens your thinking.  I am proud and grateful for my children and for having the opportunity to work alongside great people, in an amazing place.