Changes to Financial Support for New Zealand Families
The following changes have been introduced to provide increased Financial support for New Zealand families.
Best Start
Best Start is a $60 weekly payment that is not means tested in the first year, so all babies born on or after 1 July (or due after 1st July) are eligible until the child turns one, the payments are means tested for the second & third year. Payments will start once paid parental leave payments end. You can find out more about Best Start here.…/bstc/
Paid Parental Leave
Paid Parental Leave has increased from 18 to 22 weeks and the maximum payment increases from $538.55 to $563.83 per week before tax . You can find out more about paid parental leave here.…/p…/parents-paid-parental-leave.html
Keeping in Touch Hours
Keeping in Touch Hours allow parents to do limited work while on parental leave and has increased from 40 to 52 hours. This allows employees who wish to maintain contact with their workplace to do so without losing their entitlement to paid parental leave. You can find out more about keeping in touch days.…/typ…/keeping-in-touch-days/